News About Shelter Pet Safety Net
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Choosing the right dog breed is like buying a house. An exciting and rewarding experience, with a lot of research that goes into it. Adopting the right dog breed can be the key to a rewarding partnership that will hopefully last many years. Choosing the best dog breed...
Ready to Adopt?
Considering adopting a cat? Some things to keep in mind. Cats are social creatures, and are happier with company. Felines require exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction, all things a cat companion helps provide. Look for a cat whose personality meshes...
Grass?! Why is my cat eating that?
In a survey conducted by, 71% of cats were caught eating grass. Why you might ask? Well the why is a bit of a mystery, but science has an idea! Scientists argue that once upon a time, cats ate grass to expel parasites from their bodies. (but in theory it...

Shelter Pet Safety Net
Bringing the community together to better the lives of animals,in partnership with the Bastrop County Animal Shelter. Donations can be sent to PO Box 1415, Bastrop TX 78602.