Volunteer Recognition – First Recipient


Earlier this year, Shelter Pet Safety Net launched a program that allows anyone to nominate a volunteer at the Bastrop County Animal Shelter (or our own organization) for recognition.  The form to do so is on our web site.  This effort was made because the shelter, funded by the county, does not have a budget for volunteer recognition.  They have many outstanding volunteers, though!

We’d like to spotlight the first recipient of one of our recognition awards, Lucy Davis. Lucy lives in Austin, yet spends countless hours doing emergency transportation of shelter animals to other organizations in Austin and beyond.  She also does some fostering for the shelter. Many people nominated her, and here’s a sampling of their comments:

“Lucy is a transport MACHINE. She jumps in to take dogs / cats anywhere any time that she can. She’s not close to the shelter but she’s still up for it whenever she’s needed. Lucy also fosters both dogs and cats for the shelter”

“Lucy always goes out of her way for transports, amazing volunteer!!”

“Always stepping up to transport and make room in her home for fosters.”

If you know a volunteer you’d like to recognize, just head over this page.